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Plandex is open source and uses a client-server architecture. The server can be self-hosted. You can either run it locally or on a cloud server that you control. To run it on a cloud server, go to Advanced Self-Hosting section. To run it locally, keep reading below.

Local Mode Quickstart

The quickstart requires git, docker, and docker-compose. It's designed for local use with a single user.

  1. Run the server in local mode:
git clone
cd plandex/app
  1. In a new terminal session, install the Plandex CLI if you haven't already:
curl -sL | bash
  1. Run:
plandex sign-in
  1. When prompted 'Use Plandex Cloud or another host?', select 'Local mode host'. Confirm the default host, which is http://localhost:8099.

  2. If you don't have an OpenRouter account, first sign up here. Then generate an API key here. Set the OPENROUTER_API_KEY environment variable:

export OPENROUTER_API_KEY=<your-openrouter-api-key>
  1. If you don't have an OpenAI account, first sign up here. Then generate an API key here. Set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable:
export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-openai-api-key>
  1. In a project directory, start the Plandex REPL:

You're ready to start building!