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Pending Changes

When you give Plandex a task, the changes aren't applied directly to your project files. Instead, they are accumulated in Plandex's version-controlled sandbox so that you can review them first.

plandex diffs / Changes TUI

When Plandex has finished with your task, you can review the proposed changes with the plandex diff command, which shows them in git diff format:

plandex diff

Or you can view them in Plandex's changes TUI:

plandex changes

Rejecting Files

While we're working hard to make file updates as reliable as possible, bad updates can still happen. If the plan's changes were applied incorrectly to a file, you can either apply the changes and then fix the problems manually, or you can reject the updates to that file and then make the proposed changes yourself manually.

To reject changes to a file (or multiple files), you can run plandex reject with one ore more file paths:

plandex reject 

You can also reject changes using the r hotkey in the plandex changes TUI.

Once the bad update is rejected, copy the changes from the plan's output or run plandex convo to output the full conversation and copy them from there. Then apply the updates to that file yourself.

Apply The Changes

Once you're happy with the plan's changes, you can apply them to your project files with plandex apply:

plandex apply

If you're in a git repository, Plandex will give you the option of grouping the changes into a git commit with an automatically generated commit message. Any uncommitted changes that were present in your working directory beforehand will be unaffected.

You can skip the plandex apply confirmation with the -y flag.