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Background Tasks

Plandex allows you to run tasks in the background, helping you work on multiple tasks in parallel.

Running a Task in the Background

To run a task in the background, use the --bg flag with plandex tell or plandex continue.

plandex tell --bg "Add an update credit card form to 'src/components/billing'"
plandex continue --bg

The plandex stream TUI also has a b hotkey that allows you to send a streaming plan to the background.

Listing Background Tasks

To list active and recently finished background tasks, use the plandex ps command:

plandex ps

Connecting to a Background Task

To connect to a running background task and view its stream in the plan stream TUI, use the plandex connect command:

plandex connect

Stopping a Background Task

To stop a running background task, use the plandex stop command:

plandex stop