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Collaboration and Orgs

While so far Plandex is mainly focused on a single-user experience, we plan to add features for sharing, collaboration, and team management in the future, and some groundwork has already been done. Orgs are the basis for collaboration in Plandex.

Multiple Users

Orgs are helpful already if you have multiple users using Plandex in the same project. Because Plandex outputs a .plandex file containing a bit of non-sensitive config data in each directory a plan is created in, you'll have problems with multiple users unless you either get each user into the same org or put .plandex in your .gitignore file. Otherwise, each user will overwrite other users' .plandex files on every push, and no one will be happy.

Domain Access

When starting out with Plandex and creating a new org, you have the option of automatically granting access to anyone with an email address on your domain.


If you choose not to grant access to your whole domain, or you want to invite someone from outside your email domain, you can use plandex invite:

plandex invite

Joining an Org

To join an org you've been invited to, use plandex sign-in:

plandex sign-in

Listing Users and Invites

To list users and pending invites, use plandex users:

plandex users

Revoking Users and Invites

To revoke an invite or remove a user, use plandex revoke:

plandex revoke