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Environment Variables

This is an overview of all the environment variables that can be used with Plandex.


LLM Providers

OPENAI_API_BASE= # Your OpenAI server, such as http://localhost:1234/v1 Defaults to empty.
OPENAI_API_KEY= # Your OpenAI key.

# optional - set API keys for any other providers you're using
export OPENROUTER_API_KEY= # Your API key.
export TOGETHER_API_KEY = # Your API key.
# etc.


PLANDEX_SKIP_UPGRADE= # Set this to '1' to skip the auto-upgrade check when running the CLI.


Check out the Development Guide for more details.

PLANDEX_ENV=development # Set this to 'development' to default to the local development server instead of Plandex Cloud when working on Plandex itself.
PLANDEX_API_HOST= # Defaults to http://localhost:8080 if PLANDEX_ENV is development, otherwise it's—override this to use a different host.
PLANDEX_OUT_DIR=/usr/local/bin # Where the development binary should be output when using
PLANDEX_DEV_CLI_OUT_DIR=/usr/local/bin # Where the development binary should be output when using
PLANDEX_DEV_CLI_NAME=plandex-dev # The name of the development binary when using
PLANDEX_DEV_CLI_ALIAS=pdxd # The alias for the development binary when using
GOPATH= # This should be already set to your Go folder if you've installed Golang.


Check out the Self-Hosting Guide for more details.


GOENV=development # Whether to run in development or production mode. Must be 'development' or 'production'
PLANDEX_BASE_DIR= # The base directory to read and write files. Defaults to '$HOME/plandex-server' in development mode, '/plandex-server' in production.
PORT=8080 # The port the server listens on. Defaults to 8080.


For self-hosting with docker-compose, default environment variables are set in app/_env. This file should be copied to app/.env before running the server. You can override any of these defaults in .env.

PLANDEX_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/plandex/data # When using docker-compose, this is the directory *on your machine* that the Plandex server will use to store data—it will be mounted to the Docker container as a volume.
PGDATA_DIR=/var/lib/postgresql/data # Where PostgreSQL should store its data.

# Database Credentials
POSTGRES_DATABASE=plandex # Your postgres database.
POSTGRES_USER=plandex # Your postgres user.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=plandex # Your postgres password.

Other methods

If you're not using docker-compose, you'll need a DATABASE_URL environment variable that points to a PostgreSQL database. For example, if you're running PostgreSQL locally, you might set it to something like this:



If you're running in production mode (with GOENV=production, typically on a remote server), you'll need SMTP credentials:

SMTP_HOST= # Your SMTP host.
SMTP_PORT= # Set this to 1025 e.g. if you are using mailhog.
SMTP_USER= # SMTP username.