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Sending Prompts

To send a prompt to the model, use the plandex tell command.

You can pass it in as a file with the --file/-f flag:

plandex tell -f prompt.txt

Write it in vim:

plandex tell # tell with no arguments opens vim so you can write your prompt there

Or pass it inline (use enter for line breaks):

plandex tell "add a new line chart showing the number of foobars over time to components/charts.tsx"

Plan Stream TUI

After you send a prompt with plandex tell, you'll see the plan stream TUI. The model's responses are streamed here. You'll see several hotkeys listed along the bottom row that allow you to stop the plan (s), send the plan to the background (b), scroll/page the streamed text, or jump to the beginning or end of the stream. If you're a vim user, you'll notice Plandex's scrolling hotkeys are the same as vim's.

Note that scrolling the terminal window itself won't work while you're in the stream TUI. Use the scroll hotkeys instead.

Task Prompts

The most common prompt is a task. When you give Plandex a task, it will first break down the task into steps, then it will proceed to implement each step in code. Plandex will automatically continue sending model requests until the task is determined to be complete.

Conversational Prompts

You can also ask Plandex questions or chat with it about whatever you want:

plandex tell "explain every function in lib/math.ts"

For conversational prompts, Plandex will reply with just a single response and won't automatically continue.

Note that Plandex can sometimes be a bit over-eager to interpret conversational prompts as tasks. Its built-in prompts generally give it a bias toward action. For example, responding to a prompt like this:

plandex tell "did you forget to add the submit button?"

Plandex is likely to respond by implementing the missing button rather than simply answering the question. Giving an additional nudge to clarify that you're only chatting and aren't implying that you want a task to be done can help.

plandex tell "did you forget to add the submit button? don't add it--just answer yes or no."

Stopping and Continuing

You can prevent Plandex from automatically continuing for multiple responses by passing the --stop/-s flag:

plandex tell -s "write tests for the charting helpers in lib/chart-helpers.ts"

Plandex will then reply with just a single response. From there, you can continue if desired with the continue command. Like tell, continue can also accept a --stop/-s flag. Without the --stop/-s flag, continue will also cause Plandex to continue automatically until the task is done. If you pass the --stop/-s flag, it will continue for just one more response.

plandex continue -s

Apart from --stop/-s Plandex's plan stream TUI also has an s hotkey that allows you to immediately stop a plan.

Background Tasks

By default, plandex tell opens the plan stream TUI and streams Plandex's response(s) there, but you can also pass the --bg flag to run a task in the background instead.

You can learn more about using and interacting with background tasks here.

Building Files

As Plandex implements your task, files it creates or updates will appear in the Building Plan section of the plan stream TUI. Plandex will build all changes proposed by the plan into a set of pending changesets for each affected file.

Keep in mind that initially, these changes will not be directly applied to your project files. Instead, they will be pending in Plandex's version-controlled sandbox. This allows you to review the proposed changes or continue iterating and accumulating more changes. You can view the pending changes with plandex diff (for git diff format) or plandex changes (to view them in a TUI). Once you're happy with the changes, you can apply them to your project files with plandex apply.

Skipping builds / plandex build

You can skip building files when you send a prompt by passing the --no-build flag to plandex tell or plandex continue. This can be useful if you want to ensure that a plan is on the right track before comitting the time and tokens to build files.

plandex tell "implement sign up and sign in forms in src/components" --no-build

You can later build any changes that were implemented in the plan with the plandex build command:

plandex build

This will show a smaller version of the plan stream TUI that only includes the Building Plan section.

Like full plan streams, build streams can be stopped with the s hotkey or sent to the background with the b hotkey. They can also be run fully in the background with the --bg flag:

plandex build --bg

There's one more thing to keep in mind about builds. If you send a prompt with the --no-build flag:

plandex tell "implement a forgot password email in src/emails" --no-build

Then you later send another prompt with plandex tell or continue the plan with plandex continue and you don't include the --no-build flag, any changes that were implemented previously but weren't built will immediately start building when the plan stream begins.

plandex tell "now implement the UI portion of the forgot password flow" 
# the above will start building the changes proposed in the earlier prompt that was passed --no-build

Iterating on a Plan

If you send a prompt:

plandex tell "implement a fully working and production-ready tic tac toe game, including a computer-controlled AI, in html, css, and javascript"

And then you want to iterate on it, whether that's to add more functionality or correct something that went off track, you have a couple options.

Continue the convo

The most straightforward way to continue iterating is to simply send another plandex tell command:

plandex tell "I plan to seek VC funding for this game, so please implement a dark mode toggle and give all buttons subtle gradient fills"

This is generally a good approach when you're happy with the current plan and want to extend it to add more functionality.

Note, you can view the full conversation history with the plandex convo command:

plandex convo

Rewind and iterate

Another option is to use Plandex's version control features to rewind to the point just before your prompt was sent and then update it before sending the prompt again.

You can use plandex log to see the plan's history and determine which step to rewind to, then plandex rewind with the appropriate hash to rewind to that step:

plandex log # see the history
plandex rewind accfe9 # rewind to right before your prompt

This approach works well in conjunction with prompt files. You write your prompts in files somewhere in your codebase, then pass those to plandex tell using the --file/-f flag:

plandex tell -f prompts/tic-tac-toe.txt

This makes it easy to continuously iterate on your prompt using plandex rewind and plandex tell until you get a result that you're happy with.

Which is better?

There's not necessarily one right answer on whether to use an ongoing conversation or the rewind approach with prompt files for iteration. Here are a few things to consider when making the choice:

  • Bad results tend to beget more bad results. Rewinding and iterating on the prompt is often more effective for correcting a wayward task than continuing to send more tell commands. Even if you are specifically prompting the model to correct a problem, having the wrong approach in its context will tend to bias it toward additional errors. Using rewind to the give the model a clean slate can work better in these scenarios.

  • Iterating on a prompt file with the rewind approach until you find your way to an effective prompt has another benefit: you can keep the final version of the prompt that produced a given set of changes right alongside the changes themselves in your codebase. This can be helpful for other developers (or your future self) if you want to revisit a task later.

  • A downside of the rewind approach is that it can involve re-running early steps of a plan over and over, which can be a lot more expensive than iterating with additional tell commands.