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Plandex v2 provides a flexible configuration system that lets you customize its behavior based on the task you're working on and your preferences.

Viewing Config

plandex config           # View current plan's configuration
plandex config default # View default configuration for new plans

Modifying Config

plandex set-config                       # Select from a list of options
plandex set-config auto-apply true # Set a specific option
plandex set-config default auto-mode basic # Set default for new plans

Key Settings

Autonomy Level

Autonomy settings control the overall level of automation Plandex will use. See the Autonomy page for more details and shortcuts for setting autonomy levels.

auto-modeOverall autonomy level (none, basic, plus, semi, full)semi

Plan Control

auto-continueContinue plans until completiontrue
auto-buildBuild changes into pending updatestrue
auto-applyApply changes to project filesfalse

Context Management

auto-update-contextUpdate context when files changetrue
auto-load-contextLoad context using project maptrue
smart-contextLoad only necessary files for each steptrue


can-execAllow command execution (safety setting)true
auto-execAutomatically execute commandstrue
auto-debugAutomatically debug commandsfalse
auto-debug-triesNumber of tries for automatic debugging5

Version Control

auto-commitCommit changes to git when appliedtrue
auto-revert-on-rewindRevert project files when rewindingtrue

Command Line Overrides

Settings can be overridden with command line flags:

# this will apply changes, automatically execute commands, and automatically debug regardless of your autonomy level and config settings
plandex tell "add a feature" --apply --auto-exec --debug

These overrides apply only to the current command execution and don't change the saved configuration.

See the CLI Reference for a full list of command line flags for each command.

REPL Commands

\config                # View current plan config
\config default # View default config
\set-config # Modify current plan config
\set-config default # Modify default config for new plans
\set-auto # Set autonomy level
\set-auto default # Set default autonomy level for new plans