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To set up a development environment, first install dependencies:

Make sure $GOPATH is in your $PATH

# print $GOPATH
echo $GOPATH

# if it's empty
export GOPATH=<path-to-go-folder>

Make sure the PostgreSQL server is running and create a database called plandex.

Then make sure the following environment variables are set:

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@host:5432/plandex?sslmode=disable # replace with your own database URL
export GOENV=development

Now from the root directory, run the script in app/scripts/

On Linux, you'll want to run this as sudo for copying the CLI to /usr/local/bin after it builds:

sudo ./app/scripts/

You might also need sudo on MacOS if you don't have write permissions to /usr/local/bin, but this shouldn't be the case for most users. Assuming you have those write permissions, you can run the script without sudo:


This creates watchers with reflex to rebuild both the server and the CLI when relevant files change.

The server runs on port 8099 by default.

After each build, the CLI is copied to /usr/local/bin/plandex-devso you can use it with just plandex-dev in any directory. A pdxd alias is also created. Note the difference from the plandex binary and pdx aliases which are installed for production usage—aliases are used for development to avoid overwriting the production install.

The output directory can be changed with the PLANDEX_DEV_CLI_OUT_DIR environment variable. The binary name can be changed with PLANDEX_DEV_CLI_NAME and the alias can be changed with PLANDEX_DEV_CLI_ALIAS.

When running the Plandex CLI, set export PLANDEX_ENV=development to run in development mode, which connects to the development server by default.