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Advanced Self-Hosting

The easiest way to self-host Plandex is to use the Local Mode Quickstart. But if you need to run Plandex on a remote server with multiple users or orgs, or you want to run it without docker/docker-compose, keep reading below.


The Plandex server requires a PostgreSQL database (ideally v14), a persistent file system, and git.

Due to a dependency on tree-sitter, gcc, g++, and make are also required to build the server.

Development vs. Production

The Plandex server can be run in development or production mode. The main differences are how authentication pins and emails are handled, and the default path for the persistent file system.

Development mode is designed for local usage with a single user. Email isn't enabled and verification pins are skipped. In development mode, the default base directory is $HOME/plandex-server.

Production mode is designed for multiple users or organizations. Email is enabled and SMTP environment variables are required. Authentication pins are sent via email. In production mode, the default base directory is /plandex-server.

Development or production mode is set with the GOENV environment variable. It should be set to either development or production.

In both development and production mode, the server runs on port 8099 by default. This can be changed with the PORT environment variable.

PostgreSQL Database

If you aren't using docker-compose to start the server and run the database, you'll need a PostgreSQL database. You can run the following SQL to create a user and database, replacing user and password with your own values:

CREATE USER 'user' WITH PASSWORD 'password';
CREATE DATABASE 'plandex' OWNER 'user';

Environment Variables

Set GOENV to either development or production as described above in the Development vs. Production section:

export GOENV=development


export GOENV=production

You'll also need a DATABASE_URL:

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@host:5432/plandex # replace with your own database URL

In production mode, you'll also need to connect to SMTP to send emails. Set the following environment variables:

export SMTP_PORT=587
export SMTP_USER=user
export SMTP_PASSWORD=password
export # optional, if not set then SMTP_USER is used

In either development or production mode, the base directory for the persistent file system can optionally be overridden with the PLANDEX_BASE_DIR environment variable:

export PLANDEX_BASE_DIR=~/some-dir/plandex-server

When running the Plandex CLI, to connect to a server running in production mode, set the API_HOST environment variable to the host the server is running on:


Using Docker Build

The server can be run from a Dockerfile at app/Dockerfile.server:

git clone
VERSION=$(cat app/server/version.txt) # or use the version you want
git checkout server/v$VERSION
cd plandex/app
mkdir ~/plandex-server # or another directory where you want to store files
docker build -t plandex-server -f Dockerfile.server .
docker run -p 8099:8099 \
-v ~/plandex-server:/plandex-server \
-e GOENV \

The API_HOST and SMTP environment variables above are only required if you're running in production mode.

DockerHub Server Images

Apart from building manually with the Dockerfile, server images are also built and pushed to DockerHub automatically when a new version of the server is released.

You can pull the latest server image with:

docker pull plandexai/plandex-server:latest

Run From Source

You can also run the server from source:

git clone
cd plandex/
VERSION=$(cat app/server/version.txt) # or use the version you want
git checkout server/v$VERSION
cd app/server
export GOENV=development # or production
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@host:5432/plandex # replace with your own database URL
export PLANDEX_BASE_DIR=~/plandex-server # or another directory where you want to store files
go run main.go

Health Check

You can check if the server is running by sending a GET request to /health. If all is well, it will return a 200 status code.

Create a New Account

Once the server is running and you've installed the Plandex CLI on your local development machine, you can create a new account by running plandex sign-in:

plandex sign-in # follow the prompts to create a new account on your self-hosted server

Note On Local CLI Files

If you use the Plandex CLI and then for some reason you reset the database or use a new one, you'll need to remove the local files that the CLI creates in directories where you used Plandex in order to start fresh. Otherwise, the CLI will attempt to authenticate with an account that doesn't exist in the new database and you'll get errors.

To resolve this, remove the following in any directory you used the CLI in:

  • .plandex-dev directory if you ran the CLI with PLANDEX_ENV=development
  • .plandex directory otherwise

Then run plandex sign-in again to create a new account.

If you're still having trouble with accounts, you can also remove the following from your $HOME directory to fully reset them:

  • .plandex-home-dev directory if you ran the CLI with PLANDEX_ENV=development
  • .plandex-home directory otherwise